Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.
Dec 30, 2006
Dec 28, 2006
Dec 25, 2006
Dec 22, 2006
Dec 19, 2006
Dec 18, 2006
Hmm....nice colors I guess, and lighting effects.
Eragon was so bad! I laughed my head off, and it was totally worth the time and money to go make fun of it. I won't elaborate on the individual problems with it though, because most of you have heard them anyways.
4:03 PM
Tags: anti-shurtugal, potd
Dec 16, 2006
Cool picture of the hulk. The head isn't quite what I had pictured, but whatever.
Ah, time for another gigantic debate related post!
Well, I justed wanted to let you all know, this tournament sucks major time. They ran almost an hour and a half late the whole time...and they messed up everyones results. I guess I only hate it so much, because I was 1. sitting around for a disgustingly long time and 2. their stupid tabulation staff messed up my results, so that I didn't get into the octo-final round even though I had won my double-octo-final round.
On the aff I running: Value: Justice, Criterion: Self-preservation, Contention 1: Law doesn't protect the victim, Contention 2: The victim can't run. The idea is self defense is always just, and since DDF is the only option through necessity we must use it.
On the neg I was running: Value: Justice, Criterion: Proportionality, Contention 1: DDF not proportional with various reasons.
Round 1: After this round I felt like "hurrrrr." I was negating (which with the current resolution meant I should have won, because neg always wins with this resolution) and his case was using some messed up criterion like 'retributive due', and it was the perfect answer to proportionality. So combined with some of my mistakes he won pretty clearly.
Round 2: Here I was against someone that seemed to be actually mentally handicapped. And on the negative he used a criterion of minimizing patriarchal violence, so I made the obvious response "When we kill the abuse the violence stops, thus I meet his criterion." To sum it up easy win. The only problem is I was in this library with about 50 other debaters and it got really noisy.
Round 3: I was on the aff here, an ominous sign. And despite my opponent's poor speaking skills he won, because he negated...grr stupid prejudice against aff.
Round 4: Blah, I lose on negative due to good speaking skills and persuasive arguments. The judge seemed to just have sided with her from the beginning. Whatever.
Round 5: I win on the negative against a case that could have killed me. Except for the fact that she included a card that said the abuser wanted to psychologically control the victim, so I turned it saying that the victim's life is never in threat, because at the point where the abuser kills the victim they lose control, so they never kill and DDF isn't proportional. Yay first neg win.
Round 6 (double-octo-finals) : I faced some horrible kid that was so bad I can't describe it. His only piece of evidence was a quote from Gandalf the Gray, so easy aff win. haha
And then they messed up my rounds and make me cry. :( Only I didn't cry, because I didn't know that they had messed anything up, because the double-octos were "hidden" meaning we didn't know they were special, so I thought I was just doing a normal round. So I didn't know to be upset until afterwards.
So sorry if you don't really care and all I've done is write a really long post, but I think you might find it slightly more interesting than my lectures on math, although this is less educational. Whatever.
Dec 15, 2006
Cool, not a big fan of the style, but the horse is well done.
Hmm, the UMTYMP test went okay. No more UMTYMP for three weeks, so I'm good. :D Argh, more debate...I'm feeling debate fatigue. Not too much more going on. I think I'm going to start a massive international boycott of Norton products, what suckyness.
Dec 11, 2006
Dec 8, 2006
Woo, another philosophy paper, English paper, physics test, and UMTYMP test. If I had a debate tournament this week I probably would have died.
Blargh. A Realm Divided is actually going somewhere, albeit slowly due to my math and stuff.
I got five new CDs today. :D So much listening to do.
Dec 7, 2006
Dec 6, 2006
POTD 62 + Other Stuff
Pretty nice geezer. The texturing is nice, and that's some pretty high poly modeling.
Yay, another double UMTYMP assignment. I just love 'em.
Whatever, anyways for those of you doing Mathcounts I'm going to try and give training tips via my blog. If any of you aren't doing Mathcounts and don't want to better yourselves, then promptly ignore everything below.
Most of you probably can do pretty basic probability problems such as finding the probability of a coin flipping heads twice in a row. How do you do it? You simply multiply the probability of both events happening, so in the case of the coin flip we have (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4. So far nothing too difficult, so lets up the complexity.
What is the probability that a ball starting in the blue oval will end up in the red oval, assuming the ball travels down and has an equal probability of moving down each chute?
Obviously the probability the ball ends up in the first oval beneath the blue oval is 1. Now the probability that the ball ends up in the oval above the red oval is 2/3, since the ball has three paths and two of them takes it to the oval we want it at. Now the ball has two choices: to go right and end up in the red oval, or go left. So our total probability is 1*(2/3)*(1/2) = 1/3.
As you might have guessed multiplying probabilities in not the only way find a probability.
Lets consider this problem: Albatross, Bobert, Caddlebot, Deberg, and Eustien are in the senate. Three of them will be randomly chosen to head a committee to study the causes of bureaucratic inefficiency. What is the probability that Albatross will be in the committee? Now the old way of calculating probabilities won't work too well. Another way is to take the total number of possibilities that work and divide by the number of possibilities total. So in the case of this problem we would count the number of committees that include Albatross and then divide by the total number of committees.
Let us calculate the number of committees total. Here we use an operation called "choose". Choose is denoted (b,a) except that b would be on top of a; it's like a vertical parenthesis. (b,a) tells use the number of committees of size a that we can choose from a group of b people. The formula is (b,a) = b!/(a!*(b-a)!), where ! denotes factorial. I think you know this, but just to recap 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 and 0! = 1.
So the total number of committees to form is (5,3) = 5!/(3!*2!) = (5*4*3*2*1)/(3*2*1*2*1) = 10. Now we calculate the number of committees that include Albatross, at this point we could just count them, but that isn't that efficient. A better way is to assume that we have already chosen Albatross, and then we are picking the remaining two members of the committee. So the number of committees that include Albatross is (4,2), since we are choosing two people out of a group of four remaining people. This number is 6. So the probability is 6/10=3/5.
I'll leave you with a challenge problem. A bug is walking on a triangle. A "move" consists of the bug moving from the vertex he is standing on to one of the other two vertexes. After 10 moves what is the probability that the bug will return to the vertex it started on?
Hint: Consider the moves he makes as a series of letters, with R denoting a right turn, and L denoting a left turn.
Hint 2: Think about the relation between the number of R and L turns it makes to where it ends up, in particular think of the number of right moves it must make to return to the original point.
I'll post the solution after a while...
This is definitely the longest post I have ever made. Woohoo!
Dec 5, 2006
Dec 4, 2006
Cool stuff, I like the castle in the background. The crows add a nice amount of atmosphere to the already moody looking palette.
Debate went okay. The tournament tried something really different, they group varsity and novice together, so I kept hitting people way better than me. Hitting varsity people means I didn't break, but apparently I'm somehow good at speaking now, so I won seventh best speaker, which is cool considering there were at least 150ish people there.
Argh, I've got to take a test for physics, and calculus soon. Life is so cruel sometimes, and by sometimes I mean all the time.
Haha, the second time you read Eragon (or as many times as it takes to get over Paolini being young and homeschooled) you notice that the book is steaming peice of crud. I'm very seriously thinking abou seeing Star Wars episode IV digitally remastered and placed in a medieval setting when it comes out on the 15th, just so that I piss off fan boys. And btw, the Eragon game I can guarantee will be a piece of crud.
Dec 1, 2006
So cool looking. O_O Seriously though, nice metal, nice lighting.
So I finished NaNoWriMo; though I don't really count myself as finishing until Esillisar stops having dreams of the ways with which he would disprove the theories of Madisonian democracy.
I also beat NetHack again about a week ago. Go me.
Going to another debate tournament in a few hours. *sigh* My cases still suck.
Nov 24, 2006
potd 58/mpotd 1
Yay for cliched looking orcs.
Haha, just to torture you all I'm going to do a math problem of the day. :P Snickerdoodles for people who can get the answers.
How many two digit numbers have a sum equal to a perfect square?
Taken from the AMC 8 number 11.
Hmm, looks like I actually have a chance of finishing NaNoWrimo, as of yesterday I was on schedule to win. Thanksgiving was great, but then my parents had the genius idea to take a walk while we were full so we could all share a massive side ache.
Nov 20, 2006
Pretty typical sci-fi scene.
My UMTYMP scores have been horrible, except for a thirty. I'm out of practice at math league. Grr. But now that I'm bad at math I'm getting better at other stuff. I got an A+ on a poem, weird. I went to Wisconsin over the weekend for a Davidson gathering. I hate playing sports with these gifted kids; it's soo dull. I ran a kickoff return for a touchdown while talking on the phone; lame. But over the weekend I had a nice chance to write, and my NaNoWriMo word count shot up.
Nov 14, 2006
Hehe, cute looking vikings getting killed. Awesome.
Meh, UMTMYP tomorrow. I don't care too much. I've been able to put in some solid hours in for NaNoWriMo over the last two days. 9k words in two days. :D I hope to write another 4k this evening, then I'll be on track to get back on track.
Nov 13, 2006
I'm really liking the 2D art work. Maybe even more than 3D... Cool dark looking image, not sure what it is, but whatever.
Debate was depressing as usual. Knowing that I could have gone to semi-finals, if only I hadn't gotten a first time parent volunteer judge that also happens to beat his wife.
Math League was even more depressing. Knowing MCGT wouldn't have been the last place team if I only had a single teammate.
My grades have been depressing, B/B- all around.
I'm depressing.
Nov 9, 2006
Nov 4, 2006
Cool potd, in case you haven't figured it out already, I love any picture with good atmospheric effects, and this does that.
I'm going to do something I've never done before, namely I'm actually going to into some detail when discussing my debate tournament instead of just whining about it, which I will do, just later. Wow, that was definitely a run-on sentence. I'm really digging Firefox's spell checker.
I don't quite remember the order, but whatever.
First off the Minneapple tournament is one of the premier tournaments in the country. There were people from 63 schools and 18 states there, and in total 350~ debaters. They split the tournament into three schools, which was absolutely crazy, since us novices were stuck without a coach. Anyways the tournament was so crazy that there was an octofinals ToC bid, insanity.
Round 1: I'm against some Asian kid from California, and out judge is fifteen minutes late. So we talked and he complained about how could it was here, and we both moaned about the judge. Then the judge gets there and he is in a wheelchair, because he has no arms or legs. So I sort of sit there uncomfortably and feel guilty. It was really cool to watch he flow however even without hands, and he definitely flowed the best out of any of my judges. This round was really close; he drops my entire first contention, but he also had offense coming off the flow. And in the end the judge voted for him, which I felt was fair.
Round 2: This girl from Edina (Edina kids are the most messed up ever) reads her NC, and then I stand in stunned silence during Cross Examination. Her case said "Killing is justified when there is an eminent threat, but there isn't under domestic abuse." Which is the dumbest case you could possibly run when negating. All I had to do to win the round was show that there was an eminent threat, and then I could turn her entire case. I won that by quite a large margin, and the judge was actually legit, so she understood how badly I owned.
Round 3: This is against a kid from Lakeville (Which is the most pathetic team ever, they have around 70 novices, so they are bound to get someone good. Anyways this was pretty close, but I felt I came out ahead. Then the judge, who must have been brain dead writes on the ballot "I vote neg, because the Aff concedes to Negs value of Justice." No durh I did, my value is a just response, hmm...they seem kinda the same to me. So the kid gets a cheap win off, and then breaks and gets a pretty apple trophy. Grr.
Round 4: This was a pretty typical and boring, and I picked up because my case was better. This makes makes for 1 aff win and one neg 1 so far.
Round 5: The judge arbitrarily decided that my opponent won, so not much I can do about that.
Round 6: This round was really funny, because my opponent didn't have a chance. Not because she wasn't good, but I had the cheapest strategy ever. The judge brings her three year old daughter along, so I pull out every card I have dealing with the effects domestic had on children, which made a pretty convincing and scary AC. And also thanks to the judge, made the round really biased.
Yeah so I ended up 3-3, which is meh. But meh. The only thing that upsets me is that I failed two midterms in order to do this, so it's sort of a rip off.
Nov 2, 2006
Oct 31, 2006
Oct 30, 2006
Very cool cityscape.
Yay, 50 what a dumb number. Numbers like 57 are much more worthy of celebration.
Firefox 2.0 baby! It has built in spell-checker, finally. So now I won't be making any retarded spelling mistakes.
Argh! I have a paper for English, a paper of Philosophy, two UMTYMP assignments, and two debate cases, and a history midterm. I'm so sad.
I've got my novel for NaNoWriMo planned out, non-stop bloody goodness with a few interruptions for some political intrigue.
And all programming/game projects are postponed for the month of November, due to NaNoWriMo and NetHack.
Oct 29, 2006
Based on Leonardo's concept of a flawed idea that will never work.
Of course, we must included a Halloween themed potd.
Not exactly Halloween, but in the same vein.
Yay, shiny cars.
Sigh...I ended the first day of the tournament 3-1, and ended the second day 2-4 making my combined record 5-5. Lame. I've got tons of homework for every course I have, and I've got NaNoWriMo and the Annual NetHack tournament. How wilL I ever find time?
Oct 26, 2006
Oct 25, 2006
Oct 24, 2006
Nice still live.
I've was busy all of Friday helping out at the Hopkins royal cup, so much running around. I was suppose to do it again, but I went to the MCGT conference thing and did this panel thing. Nivek was suppose to be on the panel, but he didn't show up. Atleast Gerg and Eille were there. Isn't my method of keeping your names private just wonderful.
A Realm Divided is actually going pretty well. I just have to do about 100 hours of work and it will be ready!
Oct 19, 2006
POTD 44 Bonus type
Yay, more than one image in a post.
Ah, there has been a lot of stuff going on. I got 25/30 on my UMTYMP homework, because someone was a really lame grader and tooks 4 points off of every single persons homework...lame. And I got 84/100 on my test, which was a pleasent surprise considering a lost 12 points fomr messing up that one problem.
Sleep over was pretty sweet, I watched Scary Movie. And I've been drafted into a band, not sure how much help I can be musicaly, but I've already been doing a lot of the management type stuff, so cool. I got Adsense on my blog, so make me rich!
Oct 18, 2006
Oct 16, 2006
Wow, what a wonderful pic. Look at the mood and the atmosphere, there is soo much of it. That sky is really cool looky, as are those waves.
Eh, today is pretty much a normal school day. There is a chapter meeting, which I think I can go to if I get over my cold. Actually I seemed to have recovered pretty fast; my throat isn'y sore, and my nose isn't stuffed up.
Oct 15, 2006
Wow, very beautiful. The traditional techniques blend very well with photoshop, looks very good. The landscape loses a little depth because the colors get too saturated, and the water is a little problematic. But this is a very good piece.
I went 4-2 at debate; the two people I lost to placed in the top 5, so I'm feeling pretty good about my performance. I'm starting to get a hang of this whole thing, and my speaking is definately improving. Some people had the dumbest arguments ever:
"Poor people don't deserve healthcare, because they can't afford it."
"What if there was a god that could heal you by channeling his powers? Here's the shocker there is!" Goes on to describe scienetology
In other news, I've got a lot of homework. Who would have known.
As of now I can implement a very rudimentary tile engine for A Realm Divided, so that is good. Maybe I will actually have something for everyone else to do, namely make tiles, bcause so far this has felt like a big lonely solo project of mine. I guess that might have to do with the fact that I've been a control freak about it, but whatever.
Oct 13, 2006
Oct 12, 2006
More like concept art page of the day, but whatever. Pretty cool concept art of a Superman game EA is releasing.
Argh!! I got my braces tightened, and now I'm getting assaulted by my own eating utensils. At least I'll be done with them this summer. I've got debate practice again today.
Oct 11, 2006
Oct 10, 2006
Oct 9, 2006
Creepy picture, actually extremely creepy.
Well, there is a lot of stuff going on.
I went to my first debate tournament on Saturday. I was 2-2, should have been 3-1 but the judge messed up. But then it is considered rude to complain about the judging, so I'll shut up now.
I've got a 28 on my most recent UMTYMP homework, and I've got a test on Wednesday.
I've been really busy with all my ohs courses, sigh. I barely finished my philosophy assignment.
And I guess there won't be a math team this year. *weeps* Because apperantly math *isn't* a useful skill that will land you a job, so of course there is no point in learning it right. I wish blogger had emoticons, because right now would be great for an eye roll.
I guess the only thing that is going well is Realm Divided, because I finally figured out Allegro.
Oct 2, 2006
Oct 1, 2006
Sep 30, 2006
POTD 31&32
Well, this has multiple pictures, so I'm counting it as two. The blowfish is sooooo cute.
Well, today’s STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) thing at the science museum was a complete waste of time. If it was really for smart students in those topics why was everyone white and not Chinese or Indian? Eh eh? It's because it's actually for under achieving slacker white kids. That's why the booths there were all community colleges and stuff. Yeah, I'm just a little pissed that I wasted four hours of my life there.
Not much except that I'm still really busy.
Sep 28, 2006
Sep 27, 2006
I apologize if this is a repost. Cool moody environment scene. In fact I'm feeling sort of in this mood right now.
Okay so here is the lowdown
UMTYPM: 25 and 28
History: Quiz due
Philosophy: Is a cracked up class, and I have a 4 page essay due.
Writing: Some girl plagiarized my paper, and mine looks worse. wtf
Physics: Is okay I guess
Programming: I'm stuck
Anyways, last night my sister wouldn't go to sleep. A problem since we share a room. Sleep depravation, bad UMTYMP scores, recovering from a cold, and a cloudy day combined makes for one of those days.
But on a lighter note, there will be a party on Friday! It's sort of like a homeschoolers homecoming. Except we don't get dates or a dance. Well, maybe some people get dates... Anyhow, that should be pretty fun.
I've figured out how to implement a line-of-sight algorithm for a Realm Divided that takes into account my 3d terrain. Now I just have to implement it.
My sister is going around wearing a plastic bag; weird.
I was going to write more but now I forgot. Oh, right I'm having one of my best NetHack games ever; it looks like another ascension for me.
Sep 26, 2006
Sep 24, 2006
Boromir from the Lord of the Rings.
Eh, I'm really busy with two things:
1. Doing a rewrite of my English paper on the Scarler Ibis.
2. Writing my Affrimative and Negative cases for debate.
It wouldn't have beeen so bad if I didn't have to be out of the house for 6 hours today. First I had to go to the U of M to do some research. This wasn't helped by the fact that the Vikings had a home game today, because that screwed up parking. Then I had to visit my Grandpa, but he wan't home until a while after planned. That slowed me down for about an hour.
Then I had to go to a retirement party for a state representative who my parents evidently did campaign work for several years ago.
Yeah crap, and I still have UMTYMP to do. It took me a while to figrue out integreating factors for some reason, I must be getting slow. This a result of my trying to round out my interests and strengths. Whatever convinced me that I could write or do philosophy or history?
Anyhow I think is get the award for being the most convoluted blog post ever I have ever posted.
And apperantly the party is going to have to change time/location. Eh, whatever; I just hope that they remain on Fridays or the weekend, 'cause otherwise I can't attend.
Sep 23, 2006
Funny looking picture. Not sure what it is, but it's funny looking.
My sister is such a tomboy. My mom took her shoping for some clothes, and she refused to buy anything other than boys clothing. And she got home with a shirt that said 'Chick Magnet'. I was laughing soooo hard. But seriously my sister is messed up.
My brother Mark won his soccer game 7-2, this seems to be a pretty typical score where his team plays. Weird.
Sep 21, 2006
Ooh, creepy. Scene after a vampire visited.
I had my second debate practice today, I'll have to write my Negative and Affrimative case by Monday. Quite a daunting task.
That silly English paper that I gave my life blood to finish on time actually wasn't due yesterday. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was actually due next Tuesday. I was thinking over and over "wtf, wtf, wtf, wtf. Why can't I read."
I also visited a math professor's office and got to take a bunch of his books. Including the teachers edition of UMTYMP's textbook for next semester. Booooyah.
I got beat by Kevin quite a few times in Workstation, bah. I'm much better in real life. :D
Sep 20, 2006
Sep 19, 2006
Hmm, messed up alien girl.
I went to the chapter meeting last night, Kevin showed up about 1 hour and 30 minutes late. But he did bring the promised Magic cards and I proceeded to whoop him a few times. My sister is really getting to be a nuaseance when I take her out with me; she almost destoryed my friend's homework assignment.
Sep 17, 2006
Sep 16, 2006
Funny scene, the author explains what's going on in the post.
Whew, exhausting day today. I had company over almost the entire day, it's really hard to entertain 6 year olds.
I read Sabriel and Lirael in one day and I'm going to read Abhorsen pretty soon. They are really good books in a really cool setting. Kudos to Erin for recommending them, and for appreciating the greatness of Numa Numa.
The party was pretty good, I think they should be weekly at the very least, but then I've been lonely recently.
UMTYMP has a double due date, but the assignments seem pretty easy. I had around 350 pages of reading for US history, and probably more for philosophy. I finally got back the critics I need to use to revise my paper for English, a full day after the teacher promised.
Sep 15, 2006
POTD 15 and bonus!
Ooh, a really futurescape, definately not your standard model of a futuristic city.
POTD 1st Bonus
Nice head modeling, the details on the helmet are really good. The face is a little shiny, seems like there is too much specularity, but it's still good.
POTD 2nd Bonus
A cool apocalyptic picture, I'm really fond of those. :D
I just read the Scarlet Ibis, what a beuatiful story. I was so sad at the end of the story; I recommend it to everyone. I've got a lot of history to read, because I forgot to do reading while I was trying to fix my computer. Whoops.
Debate was cool, the coach was really nice and stayed over time to help me catch up from the two practices I missed because of UMTYMP. The team members are really funny, they probably spend as much time messing around as debating. :D
The party is today, yay!
Sep 14, 2006
You may have seen this again, but it's from the great game Killzone for the PS2. I was just recently kicking butt in that game.
Anyhow my life just got about 1000x more complex. My desktop (I'm using the laptop right now) gives me the infamous 'Blue screen of Death' native only to Microsoft computers when it starts up. That computer happened to have eveything I need to attend my virtual highschool, which means right now I'm screwed. I've already missed an entire day of class. UMTYMP lecture was poor again, I got 24/30 on my homework the lost points were all due my forgeting the constant of integration. *Smack* However my average is still 26.5 which is above my goal of 26 for the school year. I think there will be good attendance for the party on Friday, I hoping this will become weekly, because I haven't seen anyone in quite a while.
Wow quite a mouthfull. It's likely I'll have to buy a new computer to get this all working again. Grr. I've decided that the alpha version of a Realm Divided will be a roguelike, vastly simplifying my life as a programmer. I'll have to re-rip my music collection now too, atleast I have my shuffle. I was going to say something else too, but I forgot. Oh yes, tomorrow is my first debate practice that I can attend. Geeze, I just relised how out of shape I am. The 40 minutes of exercise that I have to do for my phy-ed contract has been hell, but it helps me sleep better. :D
Sep 12, 2006
Cool sci-fi scene.
I got a 29/30 on my UMTYMP homework, yeah, yeah. I got one point of because I forgot surface areas can't be negative. *smack* UMTYMP lecture was still really pointless, the lecturer didn't do anything related to the topic, so we had to sit there lookin at his lazy eye, which is very scary looking.
Sep 11, 2006
Sep 10, 2006
POTD 9&10
Well, I missed a day again.
Cool atmospheric look, stuff with soldiers are definately cool.
3D model of Vladimir Putin, not sure what he looks like, so I can't check the accuracy of this. :D
Wow, homework is already starting to pile up.
Yesterday I went to a get together with some people in Wisconsin, some how while running around outside I manage rip my pants on some thorns. I also introduced 'The Stick Game' to people.
I managed to win a game of risk in two turns against people who actually knew how to play, it was sad: On the first turn I captured north AND south America. On my second turn I place my 12 bonus armies and conquer Europe and Africa. Then they resign.
Sep 8, 2006
POTD 7&8
I missed a day, so here are two POTDs.
A Fairy I guess. Nice bright colors.
Continuing on the Fairy theme. Very cute looking kids.
I started my online highschool yesterday, I was thoroughly surprised to find--one of the people is a cheerleader! Gifted cheerleader?! Anyhow taking all my highschool classes in an online enviorment will certainly be interesting. BTW I got a webcam for it.
Sep 6, 2006
Sep 5, 2006
Sep 4, 2006
Sep 3, 2006
Sep 2, 2006
Ahh, starting the school year again.
Just like the old days, finishing UMTYMP assignments. Other then that not much going on. I'm really hoping I can get a few more people on the math team.