Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Oct 15, 2006



Wow, very beautiful. The traditional techniques blend very well with photoshop, looks very good. The landscape loses a little depth because the colors get too saturated, and the water is a little problematic. But this is a very good piece.

I went 4-2 at debate; the two people I lost to placed in the top 5, so I'm feeling pretty good about my performance. I'm starting to get a hang of this whole thing, and my speaking is definately improving. Some people had the dumbest arguments ever:
"Poor people don't deserve healthcare, because they can't afford it."
"What if there was a god that could heal you by channeling his powers? Here's the shocker there is!" Goes on to describe scienetology
In other news, I've got a lot of homework. Who would have known.
As of now I can implement a very rudimentary tile engine for A Realm Divided, so that is good. Maybe I will actually have something for everyone else to do, namely make tiles, bcause so far this has felt like a big lonely solo project of mine. I guess that might have to do with the fact that I've been a control freak about it, but whatever.

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