Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Sep 27, 2006



I apologize if this is a repost. Cool moody environment scene. In fact I'm feeling sort of in this mood right now.

Okay so here is the lowdown
UMTYPM: 25 and 28
History: Quiz due
Philosophy: Is a cracked up class, and I have a 4 page essay due.
Writing: Some girl plagiarized my paper, and mine looks worse. wtf
Physics: Is okay I guess
Programming: I'm stuck

Anyways, last night my sister wouldn't go to sleep. A problem since we share a room. Sleep depravation, bad UMTYMP scores, recovering from a cold, and a cloudy day combined makes for one of those days.
But on a lighter note, there will be a party on Friday! It's sort of like a homeschoolers homecoming. Except we don't get dates or a dance. Well, maybe some people get dates... Anyhow, that should be pretty fun.
I've figured out how to implement a line-of-sight algorithm for a Realm Divided that takes into account my 3d terrain. Now I just have to implement it.
My sister is going around wearing a plastic bag; weird.
I was going to write more but now I forgot. Oh, right I'm having one of my best NetHack games ever; it looks like another ascension for me.

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