Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Oct 9, 2006



Creepy picture, actually extremely creepy.

Well, there is a lot of stuff going on.

I went to my first debate tournament on Saturday. I was 2-2, should have been 3-1 but the judge messed up. But then it is considered rude to complain about the judging, so I'll shut up now.

I've got a 28 on my most recent UMTYMP homework, and I've got a test on Wednesday.

I've been really busy with all my ohs courses, sigh. I barely finished my philosophy assignment.

And I guess there won't be a math team this year. *weeps* Because apperantly math *isn't* a useful skill that will land you a job, so of course there is no point in learning it right. I wish blogger had emoticons, because right now would be great for an eye roll.

I guess the only thing that is going well is Realm Divided, because I finally figured out Allegro.

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