Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Sep 10, 2006

POTD 9&10

Well, I missed a day again.


Cool atmospheric look, stuff with soldiers are definately cool.


3D model of Vladimir Putin, not sure what he looks like, so I can't check the accuracy of this. :D

Wow, homework is already starting to pile up.
Yesterday I went to a get together with some people in Wisconsin, some how while running around outside I manage rip my pants on some thorns. I also introduced 'The Stick Game' to people.
I managed to win a game of risk in two turns against people who actually knew how to play, it was sad: On the first turn I captured north AND south America. On my second turn I place my 12 bonus armies and conquer Europe and Africa. Then they resign.

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