Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Jan 7, 2007



Cool details on this. Interesting concept for a dragon also.

Went to two parties last night, sweet. The debate party was mostly us sitting around and talking about anything other than debate, since no one wanted to be reminded that school was starting again. And we watched a movie made by my teammate's euro class called FranceFranceRevolution. ^^ The math party was us talking about football (appearantly all this time math geeks have been ravid football fans I jus haven't known), watching the Cowboys vs. Seahawks game, and playing a large assortment of card games where everyone would be trying to calculate the probability of winning next turn. ^^ Math nerds are funny. And now I have to reenter the real world, where I have to write an article for my student newspaper. :(

And just a reminder, Mathcounts is coming up soon, and we still need a single (1) team member. Remember all you are giving up is about two (2) hours of your life on a Saturday mourning if you decide to participate. Think about, not that much of a commitment, and you'll see friends there. And if you decide you want to practice for it, then I can get you materials, and other stuff so that you an get ready, you just have to show an interest. If you spend maybe fifteen (15) minutes a day doing Mathcounts preparation instead of picking your nose (or whatever else you do to waste time :P) then you'll be super when it's time to compete.

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