Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Jan 15, 2007

POTD 80 (Chapter Meeting Tonight!)


Cool piece, there are a number of little things I don't like, but it's well done. The hair I like especially.

Hmm... so there are a number of things going on.

I'll have to do my long debate post later, because it will be really long. But just quickly, we had seven people go into octo-finals. I was .500 myself, but I place the blame later. :P

I've got a 5 page, and a 10 page paper due tomorrow. So today is my big cruddy day!

And I got a lot of new CD's by: Daft Punk, Moby, Gorillaz, Hybrid, and a bunch of other stuff. I haven't listened to them yet, so not sure how they are. Daft Punk however, I like already.

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