Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Aug 17, 2007

Some Stuff Coming Up

I've been pretty busy lately. Today I took a physics test and went to a debate practice. I'm a bit worried about debate. Some weird rules about what teams I can be on and what not might prevent me from debating again. I hate bureaucracies. (in a totally unrelated side note, I noticed that Firefox's spell checker was really terrible at certain words. I might be switching to Epiphany, as it's more light weight anyhow.) Our new resolution is the death penalty, which is interesting because I'm still largely undecided on the issue.

Come to the chapter meeting this Monday at the new Maplewood Library in Ramsey county and die. I mean, or die. Seriously, I haven't seen all of you in a long time. Then again, I'll see many of you tomorrow.

On a sadder note, I'm pretty sure I failed the physics test. The occurrence of this event I will blame on several factors. A false sense of security brought on by an easy practice test which lead to my not studying, a crying baby in the testing site, and a faulty equation sheet. Or I just should have studied more. The baby was cute, however, so I forgive it.

Argh, my school year is starting up again soon, and I've only made minimal progress on the game project. I've revised the goal, so that it will once again be more practical, but it's still huge. Great... I'll be posting some additional information later.

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