Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Jun 27, 2007

An Exciting(?) Day

Well... today I got my braces off! Or, completed getting them off and got retainers anyways. And I got a load of new music. Which is to say I got: From Here We Go Sublime by The Field (which is my introduction to minimalist music; I must say, it's excellent music to work to, sort of like classical), the complete Death Cab for Cutie discology (5 CDs and 3 EPs, this is probably as close as you get), and Neon Bible by Arcade Fire, which I happily report lives up to all the hype and good reviews it received. It's much better than the other album I have.

C programming final tomorrow, I hope it goes well, because I have not prepared at all. But it should be okay, because I've been doing the stuff for so long anyways. And physics is proving a pain, mostly because capacitance is running circles about my head.

In a bit of awesome Linux terminal usage I finally compiled PMask and Allegro together in the same program, meaning a new era of games which don't concern themselves with collision testing is unfolding. I'm inspired by Odin Sphere, it seems to have pulled off the 2D action rpg very well.

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