Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Oct 31, 2006



Cool picture, whatever.

Really busy and I can't wait till tomorrow. Happy Halloween!

Oct 30, 2006


Very cool cityscape.

Yay, 50 what a dumb number. Numbers like 57 are much more worthy of celebration.

Firefox 2.0 baby! It has built in spell-checker, finally. So now I won't be making any retarded spelling mistakes.

Argh! I have a paper for English, a paper of Philosophy, two UMTYMP assignments, and two debate cases, and a history midterm. I'm so sad.

I've got my novel for NaNoWriMo planned out, non-stop bloody goodness with a few interruptions for some political intrigue.

And all programming/game projects are postponed for the month of November, due to NaNoWriMo and NetHack.

Oct 29, 2006


Based on Leonardo's concept of a flawed idea that will never work.
Of course, we must included a Halloween themed potd.
Not exactly Halloween, but in the same vein.
Yay, shiny cars.

Sigh...I ended the first day of the tournament 3-1, and ended the second day 2-4 making my combined record 5-5. Lame. I've got tons of homework for every course I have, and I've got NaNoWriMo and the Annual NetHack tournament. How wilL I ever find time?

Oct 26, 2006



This picture is epignar. So weird, vampiric plants...

Anyways, I got 24/30 on my UMTYMP. I found out this one grader is a perpetual pain. I've got another debate tournament this Friday and Saturday.

Oct 25, 2006



Wow, so atmospheric. Really nice use of perspective also.

Not much going on, UMTYMP today.

Oct 24, 2006



Nice still live.

I've was busy all of Friday helping out at the Hopkins royal cup, so much running around. I was suppose to do it again, but I went to the MCGT conference thing and did this panel thing. Nivek was suppose to be on the panel, but he didn't show up. Atleast Gerg and Eille were there. Isn't my method of keeping your names private just wonderful.
A Realm Divided is actually going pretty well. I just have to do about 100 hours of work and it will be ready!

Oct 22, 2006



I'll post the rest later.

Oct 19, 2006

POTD 44 Bonus type


Yay, more than one image in a post.

Ah, there has been a lot of stuff going on. I got 25/30 on my UMTYMP homework, because someone was a really lame grader and tooks 4 points off of every single persons homework...lame. And I got 84/100 on my test, which was a pleasent surprise considering a lost 12 points fomr messing up that one problem.
Sleep over was pretty sweet, I watched Scary Movie. And I've been drafted into a band, not sure how much help I can be musicaly, but I've already been doing a lot of the management type stuff, so cool. I got Adsense on my blog, so make me rich!

Oct 18, 2006

POTD the answer & 43



Both are nice enviornments.

Gah, got my first C in my life, in no surprise English class. Atleast I got it on something I had no idea was graded. Sleepover tonight!

Oct 16, 2006



Wow, what a wonderful pic. Look at the mood and the atmosphere, there is soo much of it. That sky is really cool looky, as are those waves.

Eh, today is pretty much a normal school day. There is a chapter meeting, which I think I can go to if I get over my cold. Actually I seemed to have recovered pretty fast; my throat isn'y sore, and my nose isn't stuffed up.

Oct 15, 2006



Wow, very beautiful. The traditional techniques blend very well with photoshop, looks very good. The landscape loses a little depth because the colors get too saturated, and the water is a little problematic. But this is a very good piece.

I went 4-2 at debate; the two people I lost to placed in the top 5, so I'm feeling pretty good about my performance. I'm starting to get a hang of this whole thing, and my speaking is definately improving. Some people had the dumbest arguments ever:
"Poor people don't deserve healthcare, because they can't afford it."
"What if there was a god that could heal you by channeling his powers? Here's the shocker there is!" Goes on to describe scienetology
In other news, I've got a lot of homework. Who would have known.
As of now I can implement a very rudimentary tile engine for A Realm Divided, so that is good. Maybe I will actually have something for everyone else to do, namely make tiles, bcause so far this has felt like a big lonely solo project of mine. I guess that might have to do with the fact that I've been a control freak about it, but whatever.

Oct 13, 2006



Cute little mining dwarf.

Ah, another weekend another debate tournament. My cases are still just as bad as they were last week. I beat Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undertide, Hordes of the UnderDark, Witches Wake, ShadowGuard, and Kingmaker in eight days.

Oct 12, 2006



More like concept art page of the day, but whatever. Pretty cool concept art of a Superman game EA is releasing.

Argh!! I got my braces tightened, and now I'm getting assaulted by my own eating utensils. At least I'll be done with them this summer. I've got debate practice again today.

Oct 11, 2006



Believe it or not, this is 3D. The famous painting was redone in 3D.

Arg, I completely messed up a question on the UMTYMP test. Quite bad considering that the test was only 7 questions. Other than that I think I did okay, but my score can't be any better than 94 now. :(

Oct 10, 2006



Cool tiger. The grass isn't that great, but the fur on the tiger is very good.

I've been pretty busy. I'm not looking forward to the UMTYMP test tomorrow.

Oct 9, 2006



Creepy picture, actually extremely creepy.

Well, there is a lot of stuff going on.

I went to my first debate tournament on Saturday. I was 2-2, should have been 3-1 but the judge messed up. But then it is considered rude to complain about the judging, so I'll shut up now.

I've got a 28 on my most recent UMTYMP homework, and I've got a test on Wednesday.

I've been really busy with all my ohs courses, sigh. I barely finished my philosophy assignment.

And I guess there won't be a math team this year. *weeps* Because apperantly math *isn't* a useful skill that will land you a job, so of course there is no point in learning it right. I wish blogger had emoticons, because right now would be great for an eye roll.

I guess the only thing that is going well is Realm Divided, because I finally figured out Allegro.

Oct 2, 2006



Yay! Another propaganda free POTD!

I'm desperate.

Oct 1, 2006



Wow, really cool. That creature is freaky looking, but it something about it makes it seem friendly.

Hmm, not much else to say. The deadline for math team is coming up soon, so I hope people will participate. Otherwise, I'll be a lonely nerd. :(