Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Sep 30, 2006

POTD 31&32


Well, this has multiple pictures, so I'm counting it as two. The blowfish is sooooo cute.

Well, today’s STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) thing at the science museum was a complete waste of time. If it was really for smart students in those topics why was everyone white and not Chinese or Indian? Eh eh? It's because it's actually for under achieving slacker white kids. That's why the booths there were all community colleges and stuff. Yeah, I'm just a little pissed that I wasted four hours of my life there.
Not much except that I'm still really busy.

Sep 28, 2006

POTD 30!


Yay! It's been a whole month that I've been doing this.

Hmm, cool character thingie.

Not much happened today, infact nothing at all.

Sep 27, 2006



I apologize if this is a repost. Cool moody environment scene. In fact I'm feeling sort of in this mood right now.

Okay so here is the lowdown
UMTYPM: 25 and 28
History: Quiz due
Philosophy: Is a cracked up class, and I have a 4 page essay due.
Writing: Some girl plagiarized my paper, and mine looks worse. wtf
Physics: Is okay I guess
Programming: I'm stuck

Anyways, last night my sister wouldn't go to sleep. A problem since we share a room. Sleep depravation, bad UMTYMP scores, recovering from a cold, and a cloudy day combined makes for one of those days.
But on a lighter note, there will be a party on Friday! It's sort of like a homeschoolers homecoming. Except we don't get dates or a dance. Well, maybe some people get dates... Anyhow, that should be pretty fun.
I've figured out how to implement a line-of-sight algorithm for a Realm Divided that takes into account my 3d terrain. Now I just have to implement it.
My sister is going around wearing a plastic bag; weird.
I was going to write more but now I forgot. Oh, right I'm having one of my best NetHack games ever; it looks like another ascension for me.

Sep 26, 2006



too tired. I'll talk about today tomorrow.

POTD 26&27


130 boats leaving Spain for Britian.


Hmm, statue.

Ah, I can't go to a park day. *Weeps* Thats all. Debate was okay yester, I watched too varsity team members debate. It's preety crazy.

Sep 24, 2006



Boromir from the Lord of the Rings.

Eh, I'm really busy with two things:

1. Doing a rewrite of my English paper on the Scarler Ibis.

2. Writing my Affrimative and Negative cases for debate.

It wouldn't have beeen so bad if I didn't have to be out of the house for 6 hours today. First I had to go to the U of M to do some research. This wasn't helped by the fact that the Vikings had a home game today, because that screwed up parking. Then I had to visit my Grandpa, but he wan't home until a while after planned. That slowed me down for about an hour.
Then I had to go to a retirement party for a state representative who my parents evidently did campaign work for several years ago.
Yeah crap, and I still have UMTYMP to do. It took me a while to figrue out integreating factors for some reason, I must be getting slow. This a result of my trying to round out my interests and strengths. Whatever convinced me that I could write or do philosophy or history?
Anyhow I think is get the award for being the most convoluted blog post ever I have ever posted.
And apperantly the party is going to have to change time/location. Eh, whatever; I just hope that they remain on Fridays or the weekend, 'cause otherwise I can't attend.

Sep 23, 2006



Funny looking picture. Not sure what it is, but it's funny looking.

My sister is such a tomboy. My mom took her shoping for some clothes, and she refused to buy anything other than boys clothing. And she got home with a shirt that said 'Chick Magnet'. I was laughing soooo hard. But seriously my sister is messed up.
My brother Mark won his soccer game 7-2, this seems to be a pretty typical score where his team plays. Weird.

POTD 22&23


Cool dragon thingie.


A cool sci-fi scene.

Yesterday was a pretty exclusive party. It was Kevin and I. Atleast we had fun with Magic.

Sep 21, 2006



Ooh, creepy. Scene after a vampire visited.

I had my second debate practice today, I'll have to write my Negative and Affrimative case by Monday. Quite a daunting task.
That silly English paper that I gave my life blood to finish on time actually wasn't due yesterday. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was actually due next Tuesday. I was thinking over and over "wtf, wtf, wtf, wtf. Why can't I read."
I also visited a math professor's office and got to take a bunch of his books. Including the teachers edition of UMTYMP's textbook for next semester. Booooyah.
I got beat by Kevin quite a few times in Workstation, bah. I'm much better in real life. :D

Sep 20, 2006



Wow, what a beautiful concept. Really good execution too. 10/10

Ah, 20th potd. Yay.
UMTYMP the thing reeks, I got 24/30 I lost 3 points on two different problems. *sigh* I've also got a pretty long writing assignment.

Sep 19, 2006



Cool scene, you can feel the magic in the atmosphere.

Not much going on. My online highschool glitched again.



Hmm, messed up alien girl.

I went to the chapter meeting last night, Kevin showed up about 1 hour and 30 minutes late. But he did bring the promised Magic cards and I proceeded to whoop him a few times. My sister is really getting to be a nuaseance when I take her out with me; she almost destoryed my friend's homework assignment.

Sep 17, 2006



Cute scene, looks like it could be from a FF game.

Argh, I got haircut. You know what I hate about haircuts? The cut part.
Anyways my freind Jason and his little brother Alex are coming over today. They're pretty cool, funny Korean kids.

Sep 16, 2006



Funny scene, the author explains what's going on in the post.

Whew, exhausting day today. I had company over almost the entire day, it's really hard to entertain 6 year olds.
I read Sabriel and Lirael in one day and I'm going to read Abhorsen pretty soon. They are really good books in a really cool setting. Kudos to Erin for recommending them, and for appreciating the greatness of Numa Numa.
The party was pretty good, I think they should be weekly at the very least, but then I've been lonely recently.
UMTYMP has a double due date, but the assignments seem pretty easy. I had around 350 pages of reading for US history, and probably more for philosophy. I finally got back the critics I need to use to revise my paper for English, a full day after the teacher promised.

Sep 15, 2006

POTD 15 and bonus!


Ooh, a really futurescape, definately not your standard model of a futuristic city.

POTD 1st Bonus

Nice head modeling, the details on the helmet are really good. The face is a little shiny, seems like there is too much specularity, but it's still good.

POTD 2nd Bonus

A cool apocalyptic picture, I'm really fond of those. :D

I just read the Scarlet Ibis, what a beuatiful story. I was so sad at the end of the story; I recommend it to everyone. I've got a lot of history to read, because I forgot to do reading while I was trying to fix my computer. Whoops.
Debate was cool, the coach was really nice and stayed over time to help me catch up from the two practices I missed because of UMTYMP. The team members are really funny, they probably spend as much time messing around as debating. :D
The party is today, yay!

Sep 14, 2006



Sea Horse, very cool.

I'm saved, because I was able to install everything onto my laptop.



You may have seen this again, but it's from the great game Killzone for the PS2. I was just recently kicking butt in that game.

Anyhow my life just got about 1000x more complex. My desktop (I'm using the laptop right now) gives me the infamous 'Blue screen of Death' native only to Microsoft computers when it starts up. That computer happened to have eveything I need to attend my virtual highschool, which means right now I'm screwed. I've already missed an entire day of class. UMTYMP lecture was poor again, I got 24/30 on my homework the lost points were all due my forgeting the constant of integration. *Smack* However my average is still 26.5 which is above my goal of 26 for the school year. I think there will be good attendance for the party on Friday, I hoping this will become weekly, because I haven't seen anyone in quite a while.

Wow quite a mouthfull. It's likely I'll have to buy a new computer to get this all working again. Grr. I've decided that the alpha version of a Realm Divided will be a roguelike, vastly simplifying my life as a programmer. I'll have to re-rip my music collection now too, atleast I have my shuffle. I was going to say something else too, but I forgot. Oh yes, tomorrow is my first debate practice that I can attend. Geeze, I just relised how out of shape I am. The 40 minutes of exercise that I have to do for my phy-ed contract has been hell, but it helps me sleep better. :D

Sep 12, 2006



Cool sci-fi scene.

I got a 29/30 on my UMTYMP homework, yeah, yeah. I got one point of because I forgot surface areas can't be negative. *smack* UMTYMP lecture was still really pointless, the lecturer didn't do anything related to the topic, so we had to sit there lookin at his lazy eye, which is very scary looking.

Sep 11, 2006



A really nice still-life. Look at the detail on the paint.

Sep 10, 2006

POTD 9&10

Well, I missed a day again.


Cool atmospheric look, stuff with soldiers are definately cool.


3D model of Vladimir Putin, not sure what he looks like, so I can't check the accuracy of this. :D

Wow, homework is already starting to pile up.
Yesterday I went to a get together with some people in Wisconsin, some how while running around outside I manage rip my pants on some thorns. I also introduced 'The Stick Game' to people.
I managed to win a game of risk in two turns against people who actually knew how to play, it was sad: On the first turn I captured north AND south America. On my second turn I place my 12 bonus armies and conquer Europe and Africa. Then they resign.

Sep 8, 2006

POTD 7&8

I missed a day, so here are two POTDs.


A Fairy I guess. Nice bright colors.


Continuing on the Fairy theme. Very cute looking kids.

I started my online highschool yesterday, I was thoroughly surprised to find--one of the people is a cheerleader! Gifted cheerleader?! Anyhow taking all my highschool classes in an online enviorment will certainly be interesting. BTW I got a webcam for it.

Sep 6, 2006



Cool matte cityscape.


I'm at the first day of UMYTMP, and for whatever reason they decided we should use the wonders of technology to learn mathematics. However they forgot to install Java, so here I am writing a blog entry.

Sep 5, 2006



Cool concept for a Mermaid.

UMTYMP starts tomorrow, eek!

Sep 4, 2006



Illustration for the popular Dragon Lance series. Not much else to say about it.

Sep 3, 2006



Cool windmill picture based on Don Quixote, nice colors and perspective.

On a side note, my brother managed to break my 'unbreakable' flexi-sports glasses. I've got three days to finish about a weeks worth of UMTYMP homework, wish me luck.

Sep 2, 2006

Ahh, starting the school year again.

Just like the old days, finishing UMTYMP assignments. Other then that not much going on. I'm really hoping I can get a few more people on the math team.



Nice urban enviorment still life.