Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Sep 20, 2008

Brisingr Reviews

Hey, I wrote a Brisingr review at my site. It's a rolling review, so expect updates as I finish each chapter.


Savannah said...

Hey Matt, it's Savannah of Confessions of a Teenage Author

Savannah said...

sorry, tried to log in before commenting and accidentally left half a comment.

Me <--- dork

Anyway, hey, thanks for your comments, but seriously, the site didn't bother me that much, and I don't think a formal apology was necessary (though it was very nice!). I'm sorry for misinterpreting the purpose of the site. All I saw was Paolini and Brisingr and tons of posts, so I assumed it was a fan site. I could not conceive at that time that there was an actual hate site for him, as the rest of the internet seems so bent on worshipping his toenail clippings.

That said... my Paolini posts are all in fun. I know it's immature to say he's got Short Man Syndrome, but I thought it was funny, so I don't care that it was immature. This is all mostly for my entertainment anyway.

Thanks again!