Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Sep 16, 2007

Chapter Meeting

As you can probably guess, there is a chapter meeting tomorrow at Eden Prairie library. If you couldn't guess, now you know. You would also do well to know that they are on a monthly cycle. Anyways, you guys should come, since our turn out for the last meeting was quite impressive to say the least.

Using a program called Synergy I was able to do away with the dual boot. Since I have two computers in my room anyways, I figured I might as well use them both. I now have them set up with two monitors side by side. It's actually two computers sharing one mouse and keyboard. When I move my mouse from the edge of one it goes into the other. Quite cool.

I got substantially farther in the secret level, but I'm still unable to complete it.

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