Campaigning is over, thank goodness
So, today was the last day of campaigning for us student government. And tomorrow is the Lorwyn prerelease. I'm too tired to say more.
Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.
So, today was the last day of campaigning for us student government. And tomorrow is the Lorwyn prerelease. I'm too tired to say more.
Here is some wondrous Apple technology, just working. I gotta say, I really miss my "hi-quality earbuds." It's a shame they could not withstand the undoubtedly earth shattering strain of me removing it from my ear. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!Also, I beat Cave Story. And I'm now extremely busy and I need to get it all done before Saturday, so I can attend the Lorwyn prerelease tournament. On a different note, I watched the movie Brick, which is awesome just because it is noir, but was also awesome because Nora Zohetner replaced Keira Knightley as coolest actress ever.
As you can probably guess, there is a chapter meeting tomorrow at Eden Prairie library. If you couldn't guess, now you know. You would also do well to know that they are on a monthly cycle. Anyways, you guys should come, since our turn out for the last meeting was quite impressive to say the least.
Using a program called Synergy I was able to do away with the dual boot. Since I have two computers in my room anyways, I figured I might as well use them both. I now have them set up with two monitors side by side. It's actually two computers sharing one mouse and keyboard. When I move my mouse from the edge of one it goes into the other. Quite cool.
I got substantially farther in the secret level, but I'm still unable to complete it.
I just beat this game, Cave Story, and all I can say is play it as soon as possible. It was quite possibly the most satisfying gaming experience I have ever had. Yeah, so it's one of those old looking platforming games, but it combines elements from all the best Japanese games of old. It's like playing a fusion of Metroid and Castlevania, except it's a 100% awesome. The art is stylish, especially on the large bosses. The music is enjoyable. The story is probably the best part, aside from the game play. Amazingly for a platforming style game, it even has three endings. The gameplay is rather generic, but it has enough twists to make it interesting and absorbing. Besides all this, it's a pretty hardcore game.
I played it twice. The first time took 6 hours and the second time took 3. The second time I did everything so that I could get the good ending by doing the secret level. The problem is, I can't beat the secret level...
Being the secret level and all, it's significantly more difficult than the normal game, but I wasn't expecting mandatory booster pack mastery >_>. If you can't tell, I'm about to fall to my death, because I wasn't efficient enough with the fuel.
Second time around I make it up to that ledge. I wonder what lies beyond that drop...
This I can handle.
Haha... tricky. Turns out I had use little enough fuel above to barely propel me onto this ledge. Another death.
Aww, look! It's Curly. She nearly dies to save your life. Or rather, in the crappier endings she either ends up dead or amnesic.
Yes, that is her strapped to my back. This section of the level is terrifying. There are blocks falling everywhere, and these stupid little Cupids.
Well, I tried to slowly kill everything, but...
Screw that I'm getting out of here! That block you see me flying haphazardly towrads ultimately ended in another untimely demise. I do know what lies beyond that hallway, since I've gotten there once, but not while taking screenshots. Actually screenshots are rather distracting.
If one of you wants to try this level out, here is the save file. It's easier than going through all the work for the secret ending that way. If any of you manage to beat it, I will crown you video gaming god.
Hmm, and two new bands I just discovered. The first is Small Sins which a small electronica band. This is probably their best song.
Their other songs are okay, but not superb.
The second is The Whitest Boy Alive, which besides having an awesome name is awesome.
Today was a really uneventful day. All I managed to do was write my campaign webpage and take a practice PSAT. I restricted myself to a third the normal time and no calculator and still got a 220. I think I'm gonna be a semi-finalist. Just a hunch. Besides that, I would just like to draw attention to the fact that my blog has a sexy transparency effect now.
Oh, and my brothers and I made swords out of Legos and dueled. It was less lame then it sounds. I mean, when the last time you shattered your opponent's sword? I thought so.
Yesterday was a good income day for me. I got thirty dollars for instructing a nice old lady in computers. Yay for easy money. Besides that, not much is going on.
So yesterday I went to Noah's band's debut. Josh, tell Noah I'm sorry I had to leave early. Anyways they (Dawn of Fury) seemed pretty good, even if metal isn't my thing.
And today UMTYMP started. Joy. Actually I have full confidence it'll be better than last year. Also, the software for my Logic course finally arrived today, about two weeks late. Now i can start working ahead, or rather, behind.
And it became official, Google Group Chat is awesome.
This is probably the first time I've had a weekend I would actually describe as relaxing. Usually I'm loading up on lots of test prep and stuff (which come to think of it, I do have a PSAT coming up.) But anyways, I watched HP 5 with Mark and Andy. It was probably my favorite so far, although I also liked 3 a lot, so I'm not sure.
I think I'm becoming a Canadaphile. Nearly half the artists showing up on my Pandora playlists are Canadian. Eh, they have good indy bands, I suppose.
I think I'm going to suspend the game until math season is over. I need to get really serious, as this is sophomore year. I need that freaking USAMO qualification.