Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Jul 13, 2007

Soccer and farewells

Well, we ended the soccer season with a bang. 6-0! This makes our final record 8 wins, 2 loses, and 1 tie. Actually, you could just look at our division standings chart. It hasn't been updated for our most recent game yet, but you can see the very close competition up at the top of the chart. Unfortunately we lost our first game of the season, which was a huge set back. We were TNK01 15BC301, btw. Anyways, we did well enough that we get an automatic promotion to C2 next year!

So I'm leaving on my flight tomorrow at 9:15. Yay for getting up at 6:00 just for a flight. I remembered why I like driving to camps, lots more space to store stuff. It sounds like I'll have a good amount of internet access regardless, so depending on how awesome my classmates are I might still be around. What I mean is, if they are awesome I probably won't spend much time on the computer. :P Ooh, and graduation should be awesome cool. I won't to see who wins the nonsensical "OHS Pioneer" award. Bah, where is the "only student involved in math competitions" award? Hopefully that will change with the next year.

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