Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

May 16, 2007

w00t Soccer

But first the always dependable (sometimes dependable) POTD. I think I'm officially changing the capitalization to PotD to make it more correct. After all nobody writes POTC. Well, almost nobody.


I like this piece, it's got a nice authoritarian feel to it. Sort of like my nationstate. Only so far I've managed to resist the temptation to become a dictatorship, right now I'm just an inoffensive centrist democracy.

So, the soccer game (incidentally my first game, and my team's second), which will obviously be the hi-light of this post was very good. Very good as in we won. The score was 6-0 in fact. The last game was 1-2, so one might ask, what was the difference between the two games? My presence, of course. Just kidding. I think our team played very well actually, and we applied a lot of effort, which is always good. The other team was more than slightly demoralized by our 4-0 lead at the end of the first half, so they didn't put as much effort into the game. I'm really glad we snagged several of the Hopkins players from the Hopkins team, because one of those players scored four goals today. And I got my first few slide tackles in today. It's truly a great feeling :P

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