Boring info on my life, with interspersed tidbits on computers, math, and other such topics.

Nov 24, 2006

potd 58/mpotd 1


Yay for cliched looking orcs.


Haha, just to torture you all I'm going to do a math problem of the day. :P Snickerdoodles for people who can get the answers.

How many two digit numbers have a sum equal to a perfect square?

Taken from the AMC 8 number 11.

Hmm, looks like I actually have a chance of finishing NaNoWrimo, as of yesterday I was on schedule to win. Thanksgiving was great, but then my parents had the genius idea to take a walk while we were full so we could all share a massive side ache.

Nov 20, 2006



Pretty typical sci-fi scene.

My UMTYMP scores have been horrible, except for a thirty. I'm out of practice at math league. Grr. But now that I'm bad at math I'm getting better at other stuff. I got an A+ on a poem, weird. I went to Wisconsin over the weekend for a Davidson gathering. I hate playing sports with these gifted kids; it's soo dull. I ran a kickoff return for a touchdown while talking on the phone; lame. But over the weekend I had a nice chance to write, and my NaNoWriMo word count shot up.

Nov 14, 2006



Hehe, cute looking vikings getting killed. Awesome.

Meh, UMTMYP tomorrow. I don't care too much. I've been able to put in some solid hours in for NaNoWriMo over the last two days. 9k words in two days. :D I hope to write another 4k this evening, then I'll be on track to get back on track.

Nov 13, 2006



I'm really liking the 2D art work. Maybe even more than 3D... Cool dark looking image, not sure what it is, but whatever.

Debate was depressing as usual. Knowing that I could have gone to semi-finals, if only I hadn't gotten a first time parent volunteer judge that also happens to beat his wife.

Math League was even more depressing. Knowing MCGT wouldn't have been the last place team if I only had a single teammate.

My grades have been depressing, B/B- all around.

I'm depressing.

Nov 9, 2006



Had a UMTYMP test, which went okay. Have debate tomorrow, meh. Played a pretty sweet game of football, but I never really did anything. Meh, I'm feeling meh right now. meh

Nov 4, 2006



Cool potd, in case you haven't figured it out already, I love any picture with good atmospheric effects, and this does that.

I'm going to do something I've never done before, namely I'm actually going to into some detail when discussing my debate tournament instead of just whining about it, which I will do, just later. Wow, that was definitely a run-on sentence. I'm really digging Firefox's spell checker.

I don't quite remember the order, but whatever.

First off the Minneapple tournament is one of the premier tournaments in the country. There were people from 63 schools and 18 states there, and in total 350~ debaters. They split the tournament into three schools, which was absolutely crazy, since us novices were stuck without a coach. Anyways the tournament was so crazy that there was an octofinals ToC bid, insanity.

Round 1: I'm against some Asian kid from California, and out judge is fifteen minutes late. So we talked and he complained about how could it was here, and we both moaned about the judge. Then the judge gets there and he is in a wheelchair, because he has no arms or legs. So I sort of sit there uncomfortably and feel guilty. It was really cool to watch he flow however even without hands, and he definitely flowed the best out of any of my judges. This round was really close; he drops my entire first contention, but he also had offense coming off the flow. And in the end the judge voted for him, which I felt was fair.

Round 2: This girl from Edina (Edina kids are the most messed up ever) reads her NC, and then I stand in stunned silence during Cross Examination. Her case said "Killing is justified when there is an eminent threat, but there isn't under domestic abuse." Which is the dumbest case you could possibly run when negating. All I had to do to win the round was show that there was an eminent threat, and then I could turn her entire case. I won that by quite a large margin, and the judge was actually legit, so she understood how badly I owned.

Round 3: This is against a kid from Lakeville (Which is the most pathetic team ever, they have around 70 novices, so they are bound to get someone good. Anyways this was pretty close, but I felt I came out ahead. Then the judge, who must have been brain dead writes on the ballot "I vote neg, because the Aff concedes to Negs value of Justice." No durh I did, my value is a just response, hmm...they seem kinda the same to me. So the kid gets a cheap win off, and then breaks and gets a pretty apple trophy. Grr.

Round 4: This was a pretty typical and boring, and I picked up because my case was better. This makes makes for 1 aff win and one neg 1 so far.

Round 5: The judge arbitrarily decided that my opponent won, so not much I can do about that.

Round 6: This round was really funny, because my opponent didn't have a chance. Not because she wasn't good, but I had the cheapest strategy ever. The judge brings her three year old daughter along, so I pull out every card I have dealing with the effects domestic had on children, which made a pretty convincing and scary AC. And also thanks to the judge, made the round really biased.

Yeah so I ended up 3-3, which is meh. But meh. The only thing that upsets me is that I failed two midterms in order to do this, so it's sort of a rip off.

Nov 2, 2006



Halloweenesque, whatever.

Eh, 24 on UMTYMP again. I'm depressed by math now.

But I am proud of NaNoWriMo progress so far.